CSS Selectors
CSS selectors are used to target specific elements on a web page, allowing you to style them using CSS rules. There are several different types of selectors, each with its own unique syntax. Here are some examples:
Type Selector
The type selector targets elements based on their type, such as a p
element for a paragraph or a button
element for a button. Here's an example:
button {
/* CSS styles for all button elements go here */
Class Selector
The class selector targets elements based on their class attribute. This is useful when you want to apply the same styles to multiple elements on the page. Here's an example:
.error {
/* CSS styles for all elements with the "error" class go here */
ID Selector
The ID selector is similar to the class selector, but it targets elements based on their id
attribute. This is useful when you want to target a specific element on the page. Here's an example:
#main-heading {
/* CSS styles for the element with the "main-heading" id go here */
Attribute Selector
The attribute selector targets elements based on their attributes, such as the href
attribute for a link or the src
attribute for an image. Here's an example:
a[href^="https"] {
/* CSS styles for all links with a "https" URL go here */
Pseudo-Class Selector
The pseudo-class selector targets elements based on their state, such as the :hover
state for an element when the mouse is hovering over it. Here's an example:
a:hover {
/* CSS styles for all links when the mouse is hovering over them go here */
These are just a few examples of the different types of CSS selectors available. There are many more, each with its own unique syntax and capabilities. By using CSS selectors, you can target specific elements on your web page and apply custom styles to them.